click mouse hide jquery Text fields

Text fields click mouse hide jquery code

<html xmlns="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<input type="text" name="cvv" id="TestDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(this).css({cursor: 'none'});

rtrim in php

meaning of rtrim in php

Remove white space from the end of a string..

meaning of ltrim in php

meaning of ltrim in php
remove the white space from the begining of a string...

lcfirst in php

lcfirst  in php

first character lower case

chdir fuction in php

chdir function in php

chdir used for change directory


getcwd function in php

getcwd function in php

get the current working directory


echo $s=/var/www/html

difference between mysql_connect and pconnect

difference between mysql_connect and pconnect

mysql_connect open a connection to a MySQL Server

mysql_pconnect  open a persistent connection to a MySQL server

difference between mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array in php

difference between mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array in php

mysql_fetch_object Fetch a result row as an object,mysql_fetch_arrayFetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both

php fopen function

php fopen function


unset array

unset array

unset(array name['key']);

simple meaning array in php

simple meaning array  in  php

it consist of key and value,key may be string,numeric...

array example in  php 


date & year function in php

date & year function in php

With the function date();
date(F,d,y)-may 28 10


what is constant in php

what is constant in php

constant value that never change,constant  can be defind in php using a function define()

define("moive","Big man");

echo moive;

how can php code comment?

how can php code comment?

 you can use // for single line and /* */ for double line comment